Customer Satisfaction Survey

A new home customer satisfaction survey was introduced in response to recommendations in the Barker Review of Housing Supply in 2004. It was created for new home buyers with the sole purpose of helping to drive up standards in the industry. The HBF Star Rating scheme awards participating builders a star rating based on the survey results (accumulated from a customer’s opinion of the developer on their help, advice, design, quality, and customer service processes), which helps participating builders identify areas they can improve. These range from one to five stars.

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Home Builders Federation (HBF)

HBF is the representative body of the home building industry in England and Wales. The HBF’s member firms account of some 80% of all new homes built in England and Wales in any one year, including companies of all sizes. These range from multi-national household names through regionally based businesses to small local companies.

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The Construction Employers Federation (CEF)

The Construction Employers Federation (CEF) is the certified representative body for the construction industry in Northern Ireland. The organisation has over 800 member companies ranging from micro businesses employing a handful of people to the largest construction companies in Northern Ireland. In total, CEF member companies account for over 70% of construction output in Northern Ireland.

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Homes for Scotland

Homes for Scotland is the voice of the home building industry in Scotland, representing some 200 companies and organisations which together deliver 95% of new homes built for sale each year and a significant proportion of affordable housing. Their key objective is to deliver more homes for Scotland by making an unequivocal case for an increase in housing supply.

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The New Homes Quality Board (NHQB)

The New Homes Quality Board is a new independent body that will have responsibility for overseeing the quality and the customer service provided by developers to buyers from the sales and marketing of new homes until the end of the first two-years of ownership.

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